extreme discoloring, dropping leaves Den. laevifolium
This Den. Laevifolium has been loosing leaves one at a time for about a month, and what concernes me is the way the leaves develop black spots and then discolor very drastically before falling off the pbulbs. In the pictures (hopefully showing up) one shows the plant with the black spots starting on a couple leaves that are still green, and a close up of what the leave looks like right before its falls off.
-It lost at least 4 leaves, but all off old or formed pbulbs, and so far the two new growths that havent formed into bulbs yet have healthy looking green leaves with no issues so far... No mushiness or problems with the bulbs, and flowers all fine.
I'm going to email the small company I bought it from, its my first purchase from her.
I know many dens loose leaves from old bulbs, but are the black spots normal (and the vivid discoloring-but the spots are what concern me most) when it looses leaves?
Photos attached:1. Leaf at most discolored, 2. leaf with spots as it starts process of discoloring, 3. Newest growths which are fine so far
-Thanks for any help or insights,