I have Bärbel Höhn as well. When the new groth starts, water very restricted. Plants are easily overwatered in this stage and then start rotting. Also when the bulb is nearly finished, do not overwater. Last year when I went to vacation for two weeks, my neighbours killed a huge Zygo completely by overwatering and there was nothing I could do when I came back.
I also had a similar problem.
In my case it was caused by too much water.
Now I try to use transparent pots, helps me to better judge the health of the roots and the degree of humidity of the medium
I also had a similar problem.
In my case it was caused by too much water.
Now I try to use transparent pots, helps me to better judge the health of the roots and the degree of humidity of the medium
How often you used to water them and how often now my friend?
Now I water them every 5 days, it is monsoon season here and it is very humid.
Before i was watering every two or three days, when I could see the surface of the medium dry .
I use coconut fibers mixed with perlite as substrate