Yellowing leaves and possible rot in new Phalaenopsis...oh no!
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Yellowing leaves and possible rot in new Phalaenopsis...oh no!
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Old 07-28-2015, 01:02 AM
practicaldreamer practicaldreamer is offline
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Yellowing leaves and possible rot in new Phalaenopsis...oh no! Female
Default Yellowing leaves and rot in new!

Hello helpful Orchidboarders!

I bought this little fella a month ago from Trader Joe's, it seemed like a healthy plant with six or seven dark green leaves and thick roots. After the blooms dropped I repotted the plant in bark; there were quite a few rotted roots from being previously planted in wet sphagnum moss but I removed them and didn't see anything particularly alarming.

It seemed fine until a few days ago, when I noticed that one of the lower leaves was detaching itself and turning yellow at the base. When I tried to get a closer look it snapped off in my hand. A day later, another of the leaves followed suit and started yellowing as well.

Today I decided to take drastic action and pull the plant out of its pot to take another look. Since my previous repotting several of the roots had rotted and I cut those away. I stripped another of the bottom leaves off (it was wobbly) and there were signs of rot (black spots) at the base of it. I also noticed a darkish smudge near the base of the remaining plant, which you can see in the close-up photo.

Is this black rot? Fungus? Bacteria? I am letting it dry out as much as possible and have sprayed it with peroxide in the hope of stopping whatever it is that is attacking the plant. Any further tips or ideas of what is happening? This is so disappointing since it seemed to be a very healthy plant at the point of purchase and has gorgeous dark plum blooms. My one saving grace is that the remaining leaves are firm and seem well attached to the base of the plant.

Thanks in advance, I'm really hoping to save this one!
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Last edited by practicaldreamer; 08-04-2015 at 02:54 AM..
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Old 07-28-2015, 09:50 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Is that dark-ish area at the base of the plant soft at all?
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Old 07-28-2015, 10:02 PM
practicaldreamer practicaldreamer is offline
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Yellowing leaves and possible rot in new Phalaenopsis...oh no! Female

No, it was not noticeably soft or squishy. I have sprayed it several times with peroxide and that area has now shriveled a bit and is hard to the touch. Hoping that's a good thing!
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Old 07-28-2015, 11:35 PM
lotis146 lotis146 is offline
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Yellowing leaves and possible rot in new Phalaenopsis...oh no! Female

It could just be that those leaves were already older...? Given you found a number of dead roots the plant may be giving up those older leaves b/c it's decided it doesn't have the 'power' to use them right now. How's that top leaf look, weak or wobbly at all? It's when you lose leaves higher up that I begin to worry. I'd say just keep an eye on it at this point. Repot it but don't smother the base/crown & be REALLY careful not to let water sit in the crown.

I've learned & heard that the no water in the crown rule is not hard & fast however I think it's very critical for already stressed plants and especially if it's cold and/or the plant has been really wet.
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Old 07-29-2015, 08:19 AM
ripa ripa is offline
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Yellowing leaves and possible rot in new Phalaenopsis...oh no!

This should not apply to you at this time of year but a Phally will drop leaves within a couple of days if it is subject to sudden cooling below say 10 deg c
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Old 07-29-2015, 09:55 PM
practicaldreamer practicaldreamer is offline
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Yellowing leaves and possible rot in new Phalaenopsis...oh no! Female

Thanks for the replies everyone! I've let it dry out the past couple days - the blackened area has shriveled and dried out most likely due to the peroxide, but the remaining three leaves still seem secure, so I will be repotting it tomorrow morning and hoping for the best.

I live in Southern California and it's been 80-95 degrees Fahrenheit outside since I've gotten the plant, so I don't think it's a natural/seasonal dropping of leaves, but that is great information to have all the same!

Last edited by practicaldreamer; 07-29-2015 at 09:58 PM..
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Old 08-04-2015, 02:53 AM
practicaldreamer practicaldreamer is offline
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Yellowing leaves and possible rot in new Phalaenopsis...oh no! Female

Bad news for this little guy - the dried/blackened section quickly spread through the rest of the collar and the roots all shriveled within a matter of two days. Had to give up on this one, despite all my best efforts.

Luckily, since I bought this one just a few weeks ago from Trader Joe's, they allowed me to return it for a full refund and I bought a big, beautiful dusty pink Phal to take its place.

All the rest of my 'chids are doing fine, so I'm going to chalk this one up to experience. Can't win 'em all!
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plant, leaves, base, roots, blooms, rotted, yellowing, noticed, ago, dark, healthy, rot, photo, close-up, crown, letting, dry, bacteria, fungus, remaining, stripped, cut, repotting, bottom, wobbly

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