Others have suggested taking a damp white paper towel and wiping the leaf/leaves affected. If the paper towel has red/brown dots or smears, you probably are dealing with mites.
I've had mites blast buds and brown areas of leaves, so it may be that. Picture 5 does seem to show the silvering of the leaf underside that mites produce, but my experience isn't broad enough to say for sure.
Anthraknose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, a fungal infection that prefers warm air and high humidity and is spread by water.
I'd cut away the dark spot with a sharp razor blade in order to prevent the fungus from forming spores.
Lower humidity and improve air movement. Eventually use a fungicide like Azoxystrobin.
Spider mite damage leaves areas where the leaves look bleached out and the texture upon close inspection is uneven. Getting rid of them takes a few applications of insecticide to get rid of all stage forms of the insect from egg to mature adult.