Hello everyone!
I've got a huge problem. The story is a bit long to be fair but in a shortcut: I have repotted Dendrobium that I got for my birthday, because I wanted to give small ones to my friends. Unfortunately, I had to leave them for about month unattended in hall and no one has thought of watering them. Then, something even worse happened!

Some idiot has stolen my large 'parent' NoID Dendrobium and all I have got left are those babies.
The main canes at the bottom are yellow and dry. Currently there are four new keiki with one probably forming on a side, however it could also be a root. Unluckily, two tiny keiki growing from another baby dendrobium seem to be dead. I am aware I made a huge mistake when I divided them and I will regret it for a very long time!
I really want to keep them alive and healthy, but I'm affraid I'm killing them even more.

Please, I beg you for any advice, help with this matter.