One unhealthy Cattleys skinnery var alba
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One unhealthy Cattleys skinnery var alba
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Old 01-27-2008, 05:07 PM
Henke Henke is offline

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One unhealthy Cattleys skinnery var alba Male
Default One unhealthy Cattleys skinnery var alba

This one isn't doing to well I think.
I need to know whats going on and how to stop it.

The plant was bought a year + ago. Bloomed last summer and seemed to be healthy. No obvious signs of unhealth, even have 2 possible blooming things.

The plant face west in a window, normal inhouse. Watered reguary, sparely until it spikes. No change in environment or handling.

Now all of a sudden one of the upcoming spikes dried out and it gets black. Same with another of the bulbs. It's starting from top and going downwards.

A couple of pics is posten on the links.

Anyone have any idea what it causing this and how we can stop it.

Is the plant doomed


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Old 01-27-2008, 05:57 PM
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isurus79 isurus79 is offline
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Almost the same thing happened to one of my skinneri's as well. I had to cut off the affected bulbs and and I treated with fungicide on the cut areas. I think it actually started in the roots (so you might want to check those) so I cut them off and let the plant dry out for about a week. Even after the "surgery," any new growths would die of rot until the last eye finally was able to take a foot hold. I potted it in a basket with just wine corks so no moisture could help the rot along. You might consider doing the same thing. I thought for sure I was going to lose my plant but it pulled through!! Hopefully yours will do the same!! Good luck!!
Stephen Van Kampen-Lewis

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Old 01-27-2008, 10:53 PM
gixrj18 gixrj18 is offline
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If I were you, I would go ahead and twist that stalk right off the rhizome. That is black rot fungus (usually caused by standing water and/or poor air circulation), that stalk is not salvageable. If you act quickly, you can still keep it from reaching the rhizome, if it hasn't already. Firmly grab the stalk (at the base), twist back and forth until you are able to spin it right off. Cover the open wound with cinammon and put the plant on "suicide watch!". If you notice it anywhere else, you should buy a copper fungicide, and treat it daily....until the fungus dries up. It looks like it has already spread to the stalk in the background, it would be wise to use fungicide soon.

Last edited by gixrj18; 01-27-2008 at 10:58 PM..
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Old 01-28-2008, 07:12 AM
Henke Henke is offline

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One unhealthy Cattleys skinnery var alba Male

Thanx for the advice.

I'll get in battle with the fungus first thing when I get home.

We also added a fan to promote better air circulation.

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Old 01-28-2008, 07:51 PM
euplusia euplusia is offline
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One unhealthy Cattleys skinnery var alba Male

That rot is horrible. It kills a strong and healthy plant within days. Best cure is a sharp blade. Cut the rhizome at once. It is essential to prevent transport of infected juice into healthy bulbs.
In my collection this disease only occurs in november, december and january, when plants are stressed by low temperature, lack of sun and/or water.
Increase temperature, place the plant spacy for ventilation, use additional fungicide. Eventually unpot.
Never store infected material inside your greenhouse. Carry it to garbage combustion.
I successfully saved Cattleya walkeriana and Cattleya jenmanni semialba after black rot infection. But many more died.
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dried, plant, spikes, stop, upcoming, var, alba, skinnery, cattleys, unhealthy

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