Hello, I have a issue in my greenhouse ,,, I've just recently noticed that something is eating the buds or blooms or my Phals... (So far).. Well I see no signs of snails.. And in my greenhouse are lots of your standard green lizArds.. Also I see mocking birds flying in there every ow and then...!
Also WOULD OR COULD I USE MOTHS BALLS..?? For the birds..??
Last edited by Michaelcook20; 05-01-2015 at 12:40 AM..
How are mocking birds getting into your greenhouse? It is an open structure? If an open structure then it could be just about anything that's doing the munching.
Is it just the buds or are leaves and/or roots also being nibbled on?
I don't know what kind of "green lizards" you have but some lizards do eat flowers/buds. Others eat only insects. Depends on what you have running around there.
I suspect grasshoppers, mice or voles. I do not know in which part of the US you live, but in most of mainland US lizards eat bugs and not orchids. Slugs and snails are always a concern unless you have baited for them.