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Old 04-22-2015, 06:42 AM
The Orchid Kid The Orchid Kid is offline
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3 sick plants
Default 3 sick plants


I have three possibly sick plants. First up Zygopetalum Louisendorf - it stuck a spike up, but the buds just came out black/brown and never opened, just dropped off. Leaves have some black marks, roots seem quite congested, but I know they like being pot bound.

Second is Laelia anceps var. Veitchiana. Repotted a month back because it was falling over all the time and fairly root bound. New growth is not looking good and old pbulbs getting black marks. Has never flowered since I got it two years back.

Lastly is Rossioglossum grande x R. splendens. Again not flowered since I got it two years back. Last years leaves failed to properly elongate and got a bit crinkly (you can see on right side of pic), but am more concerned at the black spots on pbulbs.

I have a number of other orchids all doing ok, but for some reason these 3 are not playing ball! I would greatly appreciate any help.
Attached Thumbnails
3 sick plants-zygopetalum-louisendorf1-jpg   3 sick plants-zygopetalum-louisendorf2-jpg   3 sick plants-zygopetalum-louisendorf-roots-jpg   3 sick plants-laelia-anceps-var-veitchiana1-jpg   3 sick plants-laelia-anceps-var-veitchiana2-jpg  

3 sick plants-rossioglossum-grande-splendens-jpg  
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Old 04-22-2015, 11:14 AM
silken silken is offline
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Zygo's easily get spotted leaves. I'm not sure you can prevent it. It does look overly pot bound. It might be lacking moisture because there is no media where there are so many roots. I would move it up to the next size pot so you can put some media near those roots. I find they like to not dry out completely.

I grew my Laelia anceps var. veitchiana in chunky bark just like all my Catts. (I recently sold it) Your media may be a bit dense. I would have tried to tip it or somehow get the newest bulb with roots closer to the top of the media. I would remove that bad leaf in case it is something that will spread. Use sterile tools and dust the cut edge with cinnamon to seal it. I had been getting some black spots on some of my Catts and Laelias. I found by adding a Cal/Mag supplement to the fertilizer that it seems to be helping. I actually saw the largest improvement in the ones with ancepts in them. So you could start adding a bit to your regular fertilizer water.

As for the Rossioglossum. I have a Rawdon's Jestor and get some of the same dark spots on the bulbs and the leaves can get ugly and fall off too. Mine has never bloomed either. So maybe someone else can help with that. I have been giving all my orchids the Calcium supplement so maybe it will help also. The Rossioglossums don't like a lot of heat and can take a cool winter rest. Some need it to bloom is my understanding. It hasn't made mine bloom tho. I am also giving some of my spotted plants a few treatments with Cleary's which is a systemic fungicide just as a maintenance treatment.
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Old 04-23-2015, 04:18 AM
The Orchid Kid The Orchid Kid is offline
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3 sick plants

Thanks Silken.

I will move the zygo up a pot. I was waiting till the flower had come and gone, but alas looks like I lost the bloom. So would the lack of moisture be the cause of the bud blast?

I did try tip the Laelia but the whole thing would have to be nearly horizontal otherwise I would be burying the oldest bulbs. The black marks have only appeared since repot so dunno if that would still point to lack of calcium or magnesium?

The Rossioglossum gets down to 10C-12C in the winter I reckon and I let it dry out completely until new growth starts which is about now.
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Old 04-23-2015, 11:39 AM
silken silken is offline
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The Zygo blooms may have blasted from being too dry but if you were watering frequently it still would get moisture. Hard to say but it does look like it could use a larger pot.

I know the anceps can have an upward growth. If that one growth with the roots above the media is the newest, it looks pretty shrivelled. Older growths will shrivel, but usually the newest one is pretty plump. For my own, I would never use that dense of a media. If it were in a chunky bark, or similar, you could likely bury the oldest bulb if it is leafless and get the new one down a bit. Then treat as any Cattleya watering well and allowing it to nearly dry out before watering again. I did find the anceps hybrids maybe like a wee bit more moisture than standard Catts, but not always wet.

For the Rossioglossum, I checked both species in Orchid Wiz. They both like a cool dry winter rest. But not bone dry. Mists and dew give them some moisture in winter and the bulbs shouldn't shrivel. They like about as much light as a Paph and not quite as bright as some of the cattleyas.
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Old 04-23-2015, 01:18 PM
tarev tarev is offline
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I can only comment on the zygo. It likes frequent watering, so you may have kept it rather dry. During colder temps, then I can give it watering intervals, but on warmer days like going 65F and above or higher, it loves lots of moisture. When in bud formation, I really have to keep it very well watered, and once the blooms are out then I can move it indoors so I can enjoy the scent.

I have always found it to be a cool temp orchid, it enjoys our mild winters outdoors but protected from too much cold rain during winter under our growcamp. Those leaves are such magnets for those odd marks. Just have to observe how it goes.
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Old 04-23-2015, 05:05 PM
silken silken is offline
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Was just over at a friend's home who has two Zygos. The leaves on hers are spotless. she says she puts them in the shower and showers the heck out of hers. I never get my leaves wet and they are riddled with marks. I think I will start showering them. She doesn't treat them with anything so how can there be such a difference? Maybe they want their leaves washed off. I have nothing to lose anyways.
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Old 04-24-2015, 05:08 AM
The Orchid Kid The Orchid Kid is offline
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Great info, thankyou! Will repot zygo asap, then shower and keep more moist. Makes sense to shower. All my orchids are indoors as I am in the north of England, so dust will accumulate and maybe not do the leaves any good.

Might move Rossio to shadier spot as it gets a fair bit of sun in the summer. I did rest it. New growth coming now, so must be ok I guess! Shame about those spots though, as likely indicates something not quite right.

The Laelia came in CHC, so just topped it up on the repot. Bit anxious to repot again to seat it lower this year, as don't want to stress it. Just noticed last night roots growing from the new bulb so that is positive. Yes that bulb was last years and is a tad shrivelled. Will keep eye on it till it plumps up a bit.

Last edited by The Orchid Kid; 04-24-2015 at 05:11 AM..
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Old 04-24-2015, 03:43 PM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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I had that same zygo variety in the past. Mine had no spots, either.
I never took a shower with it. lol

I honestly do not think spots are natural, but rather indication of fungal or viral diseases.

There were a bunch of the same type of zygo at a supermarket today. All had horribly spotted leaves.

Regarding misting or showering, it is a misconcept that wetting the leaves brings spots.
I mist things all the time. no spots.
Certain oncidiums I never mist still developed spots.
I threw them all away. I hate seeing sick looking plants and worry about whatever it may be spreading or not. that's just me.
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Old 04-27-2015, 05:53 AM
The Orchid Kid The Orchid Kid is offline
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I think you are probably right, I will have to try keep it happier! In the home it is a challenge to replicate natural conditions and I guess some plants show it more than others.

I think Silken's point was that showering actually might help prevent spots and marks.
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