I just noticed this black area at the base of this leaf on my thai spider plant , didnt see it a couple of days ago so its very recent item. is it mold? rot? can i save the plant???
Last edited by geraldw3210; 11-06-2017 at 08:11 AM..
Pull the orchid and quarantine it. The leaf it doesn't look good to me. I think I would remove that leaf and use a little alcohol and cinnamon mixture and dab the end of it using a cotton ball. Use clean scissors when you go to remove the leaf. As you don't want to spread anything from any other orchids. Then clean your scissors once again. I would also use some fungicide on the orchids around where that one was sitting just incase.
I hope more experience growers can jump in and tell you what it is. As I am inexperienced still but like us all I am learning.
Hello there , thanks for the reply. I have quarrentined that orchid, i did cut off that leaf with a scaple blade well below the damaged area and did the cinnamon treatment until i can get more info on whats going on there. i hope this will stop the damage from progressing.
Would physan 20 be a good fungicide???
Last edited by geraldw3210; 05-17-2015 at 02:47 PM..