Orange Guard - is it really safe?
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Old 04-08-2015, 12:59 PM
Mor Mor is offline
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Orange Guard - is it really safe? Male
Default Orange Guard - is it really safe?

Hi there,

Recently my Catt. and Brassia had a serious ant infestation (small and black ants - not the fire ones). Honestly they don't really harm the plants they just leaking the happy saps. The problem is that it all happens in my living room and I really want to make it stop because they spreading to my other orchids.

I have Orange Guard and I'm thinking about using it. My orchids has new growth and new roots and my Catt. Has buds (yey!). Is it safe to spray it on the media? On the new growth? On the buds? And if so how much would I use?

I also have two cats. Should I be worry?
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Old 04-08-2015, 01:01 PM
Mor Mor is offline
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Orange Guard - is it really safe? Male

I forget to thanks, so thanks

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Old 04-08-2015, 01:29 PM
JDT JDT is offline
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I keep a bottle of Orange Guard in each of my orchid sheds, I have been using this product for about a year, being in South Florida we have lots of ants. I have sprayed the complete plant and media and never had a problem, I would suggest that when you spray do it outside because as soon as it starts to sink into the pot the ants will go running. As far as new growth I would never spray the top of any new growth to keep the moisture out of it, spray all around the new growth. My understanding is that it is safe for cats, have two myself, but my plants are always outside unless it gets below 40 degrees.
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Old 04-08-2015, 01:30 PM
Orchid Whisperer Orchid Whisperer is offline
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Orange Guard - is it really safe? Male

I think this product is more for killing and repelling insects in the kitchen and home. I have no idea if it is appropriate or safe to apply on plants.
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Old 04-10-2015, 08:26 AM
Mor Mor is offline
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Orange Guard - is it really safe? Male

Thanks Jack for your reply, I sprayed Orange Guard on the top of the media and the ants are gone for now!!
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Old 04-14-2015, 10:46 AM
Mervin Mervin is offline
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Orange Guard - is it really safe? Male

I used dish washing soapy water.

Just remember to rinse after say 5-10 mins
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Old 08-09-2018, 04:45 AM
rosebudforglory rosebudforglory is offline
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Orange Guard - is it really safe? Female
Default Certainly Should Be With Care

First, if there is sticky stuff, the ants could be farming aphids that produce it. Ants are quite industrious - the issues are while the aphids produce honey dew for the ants, the aphids are sucking juices out of your plants and buds and spreading disease.

One of the best ways I find when having questions about products is to go the mfg website first and then find on Amazon and look at reviews. Thus at the website, I checked the Orange Guard for Ornamentals.
It said:
“Orange Guard Ornamental Plants Concentrate gallon size is OMRI listed (Organic Materials Review Institute) as allowed for use in organic production. Diluted 4 parts water 1 part Orange Guard Ornamental Plants Concentrate is nearly 100% effective against a broad range of bugs including Adelgids (wooly aphids), aphids, lace bugs, leaf hoppers, scale insects, mealy bugs, mites, plant hoppers and white flies.At a 6 parts water 1 part OG dilution still over 90% effective. Best to use maximum dilution that is still effective, avoid treating in the heat of the day, avoid open blooms and absolute new growth. Does not repel honeybees, if not sprayed directly the bees can still work the flowers without harm.”

(My Comment - I would use at 6 to 1 solution or even go to 8 or 10 to1 solution. You can always increase the mix if you need to but you can’t go back. In fact, you can call them at the number below or email and ask about testing with orchids as they are much different from other plants whose roots are in soil. The active ingredient is a powerful solvent even though it is below 6%. You might - use something like Physan 20 which isn’t a pesticide but is used on orchids from leaves to roots (follow directions for weak solution too) but I think it would make ants in the soil unhappy (someone mention using dish soap - most regular dish-soaps today have to many chemicals, ammonias, scents, etc for me to trust on my roots). Then either spray the plant with the physan 20 all over or cover your roots and spray the plant with the Orange Guard at a very dilute solution. I would only spray one..the one you can replace the easiest and dislike the most. Let dry completely before exposure to sun. And as someone mentioned - do outside where the ants can run as they most likely will if not killed.)

The mfg goes on to further say -
“Help your garden fully bloom with Orange Guard for Ornamental Plants. This insect spray breaks down in the soil without releasing any chemicals that would harm animals or pollute waterways. This product works great on a variety of bugs. PETA Recommended
Thanks for your interest in Orange Guard. In business since 1999, our mission is to provide the best pest control product on the planet, pure and simple. Made 100% from edible plant extracts and water, Orange Guard kills bugs on contact without harming the environment, your home, or yourself. Our active ingredient, orange peel oil extract, leaves behind a fresh scent that repels insects for weeks. All ingredients in Orange Guard are Generally Recognized as Safe (on the GRAS list) to be used in and around food by the FDA. We are also listed with the Organic Materials Review Institute for use in organic production, and EPA registered for use around food, humans, and pets. Our products are effective, biodegradable, naturally derived, and pyrethrin free. “

“You can contact us at: or by phone at (831) 384-3217. We are located at: Orange Guard, Inc. 3340 Paul Davis Dr. Ste. A Marina, CA 93933

* All products are listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute as allowed for use in organic production
Orange Guard qualifies for the U.S. government Bio-preferred program”
No matter what kind of garden you have, Orange Guard is able to protect it from being ruined. Some of the plants that can benefit from our spray include:

Bedding Plants
Flowering Plants
Foliage Plants
Bulb Crops
Perennial Plants
Woody Plants”

Note - They do have a Fire Ant product and a household pest one. The household one says “Made from citrus peel extract, Orange Guard Home Pest Control kills and repels bugs for weeks! Great for use indoors or out against ants, roaches, fleas, silverfish and many other insect pests. Safe for use around food, people and pets. OMRI Listed for use in organic production.
• May be used around food, people and pets… without worry!
• Indoor/ outdoor formula — will NOT stain!
• Fresh citrus scent — NO chemical odor!
• Broad range contact insecticide — kills & repels!
In a recent study, Orange Guard reduced cockroach populations better than Dursban, the toxic ingredient in Raid®.”
Indoor: Use directly on insect pests. Saturate area until visibly wet. Use stream setting on roaches, and for penetrating cracks and crevices. Spray in kitchens, pantries and under cabinets and appliances — anywhere insects hide! Apply to pet bedding to control fleas. Keeps repelling for weeks.
Outdoor: Spray perimeter of home generously to make a barrier for protection. Spray doorways, window frames, cracks — anywhere insects can enter. Saturate areas of trail or nests. Spray garbage cans, manure piles or any infested areas until visibly wet.

Active Ingredient:
d-Limonene (orange peel extract) ….. 5.8%
Inert Ingredients ….. 94.2%

I will let you look at the Fire Ant and any amazon reviews. The ones I have seen look good - I’m ordering some myself as I have used the active ingredient in cleaning products, strippers, and house sprays and liked it. Of course for stripping - it is much stronger. But I want to use on my porch under mats and around doorway to discourage spiders and earwigs
Good luck.

Last edited by rosebudforglory; 08-09-2018 at 05:12 AM..
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buds, guard, orange, orchids, safe

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