I have a Slc Jewel Box Scherezade and I saw some black areas on it that appeared to be growing, because they weren't there a few days before, panicked, and cut some bulbs off. I think perhaps my cats bit it a few times, or perhaps the bulbs split because of over watering and the splits went black just like cut bananas or apples do? I was ticked at the time, because they had flower sheaths. Any ideas what else may have caused these black areas? I was extremely careful to ensure no water ended up in the sheath growth areas while watering. I'm concerned that it might be something that will recur or could spread to my other 'chids. Since I cut it, it has a lot of new growths and I get to try again, I just want to get it right.
*cross posted from Beginner Discussion at Stray59's suggestion*
Below are some pics, what the bulbs looked like, and a pic of it's last bloom for fun