Today I noticed my cymbidium has little tiny white bugs on it. They are really tiny almost lice like. They are agglomerated underneath the moss on top of the roots.
The plant looks healthy enough. I bought it from the home depot about 3-4 months ago and this is the first sign of these bugs.
I read other threads on this board about what to do in this case, but considering I have two flowering spikes and another just starting to grow, I don't think I should repot it.
My other concern is - will it spread to my phals and/or dendrobiums ? They are in the same corner of the room.
Here is a picture of the base of the plant:

My entire set up is pictured here. If you want to check it out.
.Mac Web Gallery
I'm somewhat new to orchids, and I have never encountered this issue before.
Do I have to treat all of my other plants as well?
Thank you for your help. This is my only cymbidium and I don't want to lose it.