So I went home today with 70% isopropyl alcohol and when I dug up the surface moss and tried to take off fuzz ball (or whatever it was) and looked at the stem, I see no insects or anything. Instead, I find snow mold (???I'm a phal newbie, quite not sure what it is???) on one of the bark chip, only one of it!
Also one of my last actual root has died and peeled off its surface cover...
Now all I have left is two aerial roots anchored in the bark...
I tossed out the chip and sprayed alcohol around the stem (for the time being) area, leaves look fairly okay for now.
I only water it once a week but now that all the roots are dying don't know if this is the time I should just take it out of medium and just put it on a stick over water for aeration with plastic bag over it...or water culture?
I am so confused!!!