Originally Posted by kdennis14
I am really interested in trying to grow in red lava rock. Is that all you use? Can all orchids grow in it?
Thank you,
I buy bags of red lava rock at Home Depot, price is less than $4. Once home, I dump out all the rocks and spend some time to sort them into large, medium, and small pieces. I put them in mesh baskets or buckets and rinse them thoroughly to get the red dust off of them (do it outside, don't let that red sandy stuff go down your drain!)
I use the largest pieces for Vandas, the medium-sized pieces for Cattleyas, and the smallest for Oncidiums. I grow my Bulbophyllums in lava rock with a layer of sphagnum on top. I'm sure other orchids such as Phalaenopsis do well in lava rock, too, but I haven't tried it out yet.
The lava rock will tend to collect minerals as water evaporates, so it is important to flush it (pour large amounts of water through it) regularly to wash them out.
As far as negatives go, as mentioned it is tough stuff to work with and can cut you. It can also be heavy and could scratch or even break ceramic or glass pots. You have to be more conscientious about fertilizing as the rock will provide no nutrients.
Otherwise it is clean, retains moisture, is attractive, and in my experience orchid roots like to explore all the nooks and crannies. Here is an example of a Cattleya seedling which is very happy in red lava rock. Its roots grew straight through to the bottom of the pot in just a few weeks!
If you do end up trying out some plants in lava rock, please come back to report your findings! Good luck