I just got two new onc. type orchids and their leaves are looking funny. One had little light brown spots appearing on one leaf, I assumed soft rot and trimmed it. The other has leaves of light green color, with very light yellow spottted/mottling on some, but not all, leaves. The mottling seems to be mostly on old growths, but is present on one of the leaves of a new growth. Does anyone know what this is, and if it is dangerous? Thanks.
you can post some pics, or you can take a look at this page: https://www.aos.org/Default.aspx?id=117
there are the most common orchid deseases, so you can recognize your.
It is very common for some Oncidiums to have spots on their leaves. But posting some photos would let people have a look and see if it is something worse.
I've just learned to accept the spots when they happen and enjoy the mostly long lasting blooms on this group. I never get the leaves wet so I really don't know the cause of the spots on the leaves. I have started using a calcium/magnesium supplement on all my orchids so maybe that will help. Time will tell.