Given your description, your two paph died of fungal disease. Less watering does not do anything once plants get infected because the disease agent is already inside the plant tissue doing its thing.
Usually, that is the end unfortunately.
If you can post a picture of your philippinense hybrid.
I would like to see the leaves and the plant overall.
If your phal is blooming very well, then the light is good enough, but a bit more might or might not do the trick depending on how you are caring for the plant.
If you are a chronic underwater, then your paph might never bloom for you. With out enough water, they will never spike or the spike that was initiated deep inside the center of the plant will be aborted as the plant try to conserve the little water it occasionally gets.
Also, the other parent of your hybrid is the same as Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum. it is not my kind of paph, but I do like the color, so I would love to see how the flower shape and color might turn out on your plant.