It turns out what I should have been worried about is an infection. I have talked to the seller and everything has been fixed up.
It would have been nice to know what to do, but this experience has helped me understand Cattleya's better.
The infection got to the youngest, and I don't think it is showing up on my final blue. *cold weather made them more vulnerable to illness.
I just don't know if I should try saving them. 4 plants, 2 nearly or completely rootless.
The 2 smallest look like they could pull through if I'm careful. I just don't have the experience to make the right calls with the other two. I know most of you with big collections wouldn't even think twice, and probably just throw them out to prevent spreading...
I mean, I repotted the smallest Mari and 2 days later, 2/3 of the roots were lost to rot. Pretty fast?
I repotted the biggest and 5 days later, 95%+ are gone.
And the smell... It wasn't pleasant.
I've added a link in the newest post in this thread to my album. Buy to save you trouble, I'll add it again if you want to check it out:
I've kept the 3 new cattleyas away from the phalaenopsis...
But as I was removing some of the damaged roots on a Mari's song I saw this speck appear and disappear too fast for me to whipe it away with a paper towel .
It was right by a root in the medium.
99% sure it was just an ordinary bug.
*I've kept the 3 new ones together in a clear 104 Liter storage bin, in a
I'm not even sure if it was a mite, but what else could it have been....
I feel like hitting my head against the wall. <--- of course figuratively.