i noticed yesterday my Aerangis mooreana is hosting some sort of pests. it's growing mounted on a piece of compressed cork, so har i haven't found them elsewhere.
they're white and tiny, smaller than a grain of sand. my guess is they enjoy high humidity considering the conditions of my tank.
any help would be highly appreciated.
whitish, yes. the fact that i haven't found them on the actual plant, just the mount would support your diagnosis.
though i must elaborate they aren't flying anywhere, right?
mine look like tiny moving grains of sand.
did you get rid of them somehow? i just sprayed with neem oil/washing deturgent solution
I have not gotten rid of mine. Since I read they really only go after algae (including algal growth on the leaves and mounts) I decided to not do anything. I did try canola oil on one mount that had lots of these guys (both adults and little white ones) and it did nothing. I plan to just monitor the situation and see what happens.
No flight, only running around. The teeny ones move slowly, the winged adults run quite fast, but no flight.
very likely we're talking about the same thing. i think isopropyl alcohol worked when i applied it yesterday but i happened to run out so i couldn't repeat it for now.
actually, i'll take that back. unfortunately after a more thorough search i found them on my biloba and a Phal too. not only on a mount but on the biloba roots too. the Phal is growing in S/H.. what could it be?