Originally Posted by HighSeas
I would soak those plants in Kelp. Pronto. Then pot them up, keeping them on the dry side. Continue to water with Kelp until you see roots.
Originally Posted by HighSeas
Alcohol (not for roots), Kelp, Thiomyl (systemic fungicide), Physan 20 (preventive maintenance), Phyton 27, Sulfur, Seven dust, Neem oil, Malathion, I even use Purell hand sanitizer on cuts/wounds because it's thick, stays where you put it and works! You can also mix it with a bit of Sulfur and it becomes a bandaid. 
Thank you for the very useful information. I have some of these items on hand, but not kelp. Can I use kelp from a local pharmacy as a substitute? What is the right amount of dosage to use for plant roots? In fact, I have dried seaweed for cooking (which I never use anyway.) Would adding a piece of the seaweed in a bucket of water have a similar effect to kelp?
Still learning...