Ctna 'Why Not' sick leaves
Hello everyone,
My sick catt is Ctna "Why Not'
Could you please tell me what seems to be traveling down one of the leaves from the tip? Very obviously, the leaf coloration is yellow-ish/orange-ish/brownish with black spots (I included a photo of the underside, as you can see). The black spots are somewhat indented and seem to be firm. The other discolorations are not indented and also seem to be firm, no mushiness. In fact, they seem to be as firm as the green, healthy-looking portion of the leaf. Although I noticed the leaf problem earlier in the week, it may have gotten slightly more discolored, definitely in the last 24-36 hrs. I would have already contacted you, but I've been sick for several days. I've managed to water my mounts and check my orchids each day, though - but not feeling so great, I failed to closely monitor how rapidly/slowly the problem changed from day to day earlier in the week.
Two of the other green leaves are also showing 2-3 indented dark spots at the tip, but no other discolorations.
Several months ago (I failed to make a note of the exact date) I was concerned about the smaller black indented dots on several of the green leaves, so I sent a sample to Critter Creek and the report that they sent to me afterwards indicated the plant was negative of any virus.
I repotted the plant last month and at the time only the leaves with small-ish, slightly indented dark spots were obvious.
Thanks to all of you for reading…..I would appreciate your help.
By the way, the plant has a spike about 2" long.