If you really want to get rid of them for good, do a Google search for "beneficial nematodes". There, you will find several sources for these small plant harmless nematodes. The ones you want to look for are Steinernema feltiae. These nematodes are small, microscopic round worms that infect the larvae of the flies. Once they do, the larvae become kind of a reproduction plant for the nematodes and the larvae eventually disintegrate which releases thousands of more nematodes. Eventually, the nematodes die out because there are no more larvae to serve as hosts. These nematodes are absolutely harmless to anything but insect larvae. In your orchid potting media, they may get flushed out to some extent during watering. Most likely, the smallest amount you can purchase will be sufficient for several treatments. If you keep the extra amount in the refrigerator, they may last for weeks or months. Just remember, you are not dealing with a chemical here so don't expect them to eradicate your larvae population overnight. In a couple of weeks, your plants should be "fly free"!!