Sphagnum moss is not the best media for Cyms as it holds both salts and water too long. I recommend a 40/40 mix of small and medium bark with 20% large perlite for aeration. If you have access to Orchiata bark, that can be used straight. Gauge the size of the bulbs and use a container with adequate drainage which will allow for two year's bulb growth, or about 1"-2" from plant to sides of pot.
Silken is on the right track. Cyms are not house plants as there is not enough light, air movement, humidity or drop in temps. (Some Asian species being the exception). These plants grow best outside for as long as possible if you are in a part of the world where temps get well below 27F and a hard freeze in the winter.
Cyms. like 50% humidity, and 50% light during the day, all year. Morning sun and afternoon shade work the best or a 50% shaded location all day long if that is an option. A south wall is not recommended unless it is shaded as that generally gets too much sun and heat.
Fertilize all year, weakly/weekly. While the plants are in bloom, they are initiating new growth; While in active growth, they are initiating bloom spikes. Fertilizer concentration can decrease during the cold winter months either because the plants are outside and getting rain, or just because the temps are cold and the nutrients will not be absorbed as readily.
Good Luck with your plant,
Cym Ladye
Last edited by Cym Ladye; 04-21-2014 at 12:16 PM..