Gnats and creepy crawlies
One of my first purchases was a cymbidium from a retail store. I did repot it but that was before I joined this board, so repotting the plant entailed of me taking it out of its container and sticking it into a new pot old medium and all. The other day I noticed a few gnats hovering around the plant. I inspected all of my plants but the source was this cymbidium. So I bought some new medium this a.m and have it currently un-potted. I found these little gross wormies. And I noticed how decomposted the old medium is. I removed every little bit of old medium and rinsed/soaked the roots and about to repot. But should I spray the roots and plant down with something? Blah! I don't do well with worms (I'm kinda worried about what kind of orchid mother I will be if these are always around).