Hi there - I've been a board stalker for a while debating to join or not, 'another' forum

- now I need some good advice.
A little background, that is relevant...
I got a Wils. Starry starry night, similar care to an Oncidium. I got this from a vendor on ebay, and the plant was just as pictured and healthy in the middle of this past March. It had buds and spikes, and probably 1.5 weeks to open. I HAD to get it out of it's seedling container (with that foam stuff that stays wet) as I am not a greenhouse and can't provide the immense light and humidity. I also read they like to breathe.
I transplanted into a loose bark mix (appropriate for Oncid.), and was careful to pick out as much old media as I could, and didn't hurt or have to cut any of the roots as they were all plump and white.
Once I transplanted, even though I did not want to being so close to bloom, it seemed to take off and started opening like crazy. I had 10 blooms open within 5-7 days. I let it dry out between waterings, but I am still feeling out the waterings as it seems mine likes more water. I can check the roots since I have it higher up and the bark is loose.
All of the sudden, a week and a half into bloom I have two flower drops, one small spike I had to cut (yellowing), and two blooms basically in limbo between closed and open bloomed - it was ready to go several days ago and stopped.
So, I now have these bugs that look like sesame seeds, upon further inspection. I must have had them for the better part of a week or two, I thought it was from the blooms opening, residue, idk as I noticed them when they bloomed. They never moved.
Well, now I see more, and they move. They also drink beads of water from the plant as I saw today, when I tried to spray them off with the mister. They seem to hang out on the back and front of the flowers. Looks like they are perhaps feeding pollen or something. They are not on flowers that may be dropping soon.
What are they, how do I get rid of them, are they in the new media (Sunbulb 5002 better grow)?
I also noticed today that there are small black spots on the undersides of the leaves. The tops are fine.
I have attached pics. Please help me, I appreciate it.
On 'orchid bug 2' there are two bugs in the pic, one drinking, literally I watched it
Also on the bugs, I have dogs in the house - I am going to throw the media away because it's in the closet where the dogs crates are. Could these be an issue?
Any other critical questions/comments are welcome.
Thanks - Nick
PS - how long should I expect these blooms to last in the first place?