This "Pizzaz" has been a problem free and consistent bloomer for the past 3 years. I grow it on my south facing windowsill will other orchids that seem healthy.
On schedule, it bloomed this year but I started to notice brown discolorations at the top of the pseudobulb near where the leaf starts. But the discoloration didn't seem to grow or change so I let it be.
However, I had a small problem with mealy bugs this summer and decided I would try to solve the problem with a repotting of all of my orchids. I repotted this Pizzaz a month ago in a medium bark mix. At the time of repotting, I gave it a soak in physan, a dip in insecticide oil and left it on the deck overnight. A few days later poured hydrogen peroxide through the pot.
It gets occasional
misting in a room with great ventilation.
This morning I noticed what looks like a bug may be munching on the leaves and pseudobulb. Then upon closer inspection, I noticed a white patch and some splotchiness on one leaf. I haven't seen any signs of snails or other bugs on any other plants...
I'm guessing the dark spot, white spot, splotchiness and bite marks are all unrelated. My green thumb is feeling wilty - how could I not have noticed any of this??
I'm thinking to transplant it into s/h which I have done for a few of my phals and oncidiums but felt that Pizzaz was growing so well that I shouldn't change anything about it's environment.
Any thoughts on what is wrong and what I can do to right the problem? Thanks!!

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