I had a very bad problem with fungus gnats on my orchids. I tried mosquito dunks, diluting hydrogen peroxide in the water I use for my orchids, diluting neem oil in the water that I used to for my orchids, and yellow sticky traps. All those methods work to a degree, but within a few days of the treatment the gnats were back.
I thought I would never be able to get rid of them, but I came up with any unique solution, I bought a large powerful fan that provides steady, constant air circulation across my orchids. After buying the fan, I cut down on the frequency of my watering from every 7 days to every 10-12 days for a few weeks, and I could happily say that the fungus gnats are pretty much gone. I continue to monitor them with the yellow sticky traps, just to be sure.
So if you're looking for a simple solution to your fungus gant problem, instead of buying a bunch of chemicals and solutions that may not work, buy a fan and increase the air circulation where your orchids are. Good air circulation is the answer.