Hi guys,
I was waiting a long time for my small L. telipogoniflora to make a leaf. It had 4 leaves before but while I was away on vacation, it got desiccated to 1 single leaf. After a month or more, it started making a leaf. I was happy and then one night when i suddenly turned on the light, I saw a small round black snail at the tip. Generally, snails never harmed my typical carnivorous plants, but then I realized the leaf was gone. The snail ate the tender new leaf.
The same happened with a L. elegantula leaf while it was in the opening state killing the new growth.
I can't find a perfect pic...but the snails are under 3-5mm in size and look like this:
The shell is almost always also black. The biggest I found was 4-5mm in diameter eating the lepanthes leaf.
I picked a couple whenever I see them...but I also found holes in my L. caprimugulus flower..so I guess they are still around.
Can anyone please explain how to get rid of these snails in my terrarium?