Hello all! Need your help again. My husband bought me a new chid' for Valentine's but he had no idea what to look for as far as health is concerned. I'm attaching some pictures in hopes you can help me figure out what's up with these leaves. They are pitted in some areas and are blistered near the tips. There's no bad smell or any kind of wetness in these areas. I haven't seen any pests. The planting medium in my opinion is far too fine and is still pretty moist for having been in my home for a little over a week. My guess is over watering or cold exposure or something environmental but I'm truly not positive. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Editing to add info:
Roots that I can see through plastic pot and aerial roots look healthy. Flowers are beautiful and don't appear to have any blemishes. Two spikes. They looked very droopy when I first received the plant but have perked up a lot and are continuing to open.
Phals hate me apparently. They're supposed to be one of the easiest orchid to grow, but I seem to kill them all within a month or two! There are only a few of them that really established themselves.
Masdevallias are like a cake walk to me comparatively!