This is one of my phals that has failed to thrive ever since I repotted it a few weeks back. I moved it from the pot and moved it to vase culture about a month back and today I put it on a mount, thinking it might need a bit more air. The roots have been meager since I got it...ignore the white speckles on the leaves. I didn't notice those until I took the pic - it was sawdust. The main problem is that the leaves look dehydrated rather than firm and turgid as they should be. It flowered a few months back, in case that matters. Could it just be dormant or is it sickly, and if so, what may be wrong? The base of it does not feel mushy that I can tell. It was in a tiny little pot with moss when it was given to me and I didn't feel that was healthy, hence the repotting. Originally I had moved it to a small basket and potted in orchid bark.