I have one phal, out of 6, that has limp, wrinkled leaves. I haven't pulled it from it's pot yet to inspect the roots but am wondering if someone could tell me what they think the problem is. It has the same kind of clay pot, same Phal bark mix and it gets fed and watered the same as the other 6.
I just had problems with Fusarium wilt, it gives you the same wrinkled leaves I would seperate it until i knew what was going on, Fusarium wilt spreads from plant to plant and I think its better to be on the safe side then to end up with more sick plants.
I don't know how you check for fusarium in phals, but in oncidiums, you can look for fusarium by cutting into the rhizome. You'll see a pinkish purple ring if the plant has fusarium.
Since I am new to orchid keeping, the one plant that I had come home with fusarium, I pitched in the garbage before it could pass it to the other plants in my collection.
There are some images of fusarium wilt on this page.