Rescued phal (I think) has scabs?
Hey everyone.
I rescued this orchid, I think it's a phal, out of the corner of a planter that had a large ficus bonsai growing in it. My dad bought the ficus from a plant shop, and realized that there was a sad little orchid plopped into the corner of the pot the tree was in.
The leaves were quite damaged, they had weird raised bumpy scabs on them (not scale) and one leaf had a hole right through it. I dug it out of the potting soil (yes, it was in soil) and the roots were pretty awful, as to be expected. I've repotted it in a mixture of coconut husk, perlite and lava rock. The roots look like they've improved since being repotted, but the leaves look more or less exactly the same.
Someone suggested I treat the scabs with hydrogen peroxide, and if it fizzes, it's a fungal infection. I tried this, the bumps did not fizz but the edges around the hole through the one leaf did, and as the peroxide dripped down to the crown of the plant, that fizzed as well (crown rot I assumed.) I continued using the peroxide every few days, and now the fizzing has finally stopped.
My question is this: is there something more I should be doing about the scabby bumps, or was this just a symptom from it being too moist and severely over watered for however long? Perhaps from water droplets sitting on the leaves for extended periods? I've kept it separated from my other orchids and am not sure how long I should keep it that way.
The picture isn't the greatest quality, if needed I'll try to take another. Thanks!