Below are pictures from the quarantine area for my Bulbos and Trias. I am concerned about viruses, other problems. I don't want to mix them in with the others until I know for sure. Would like to hear from OB members.
I could be wrong but most of what I see seems to be the result of various fungus infections. The red spots might be from high light. The third is hard for me to tell from pictures but I would check to see if there is any possibility of spidermite, aphids, scale, whitefly just to be on the safe side.
The one with the spotting on the leaves I would venture to say its where bugs got munching happy. 2 of my bulbos did this including my frank smith no other plants have gotten anything from it. But I as well could be wrong.
---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------
Picture 5 I question the roots on it/how much light is being acquired.
To me it looks like too strong a light, too dry, and try to get them away from the trees if they are oaks they have a lot of ants and mites carrying disease. The third picture looks like maybe spider mite. Look that one over with a mag. glass. you can spray them all for mites either way. Trim the dead part of the leaf away and coat the cut with cinnamon. Water daily
Some of my cats. have the same white stain on top of the leaves, I'm trying to find out what is it and it does not go away. Today I sprayed with an insecticide (permetrol) the people from OFE told is very good for mites and scales. norma
---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------
I just looked this and what my orchids have are mites, they explain very good and have pictures, very good.