Well it looks waaaay better now anyway!
Today I looked at it and saw three tiny little nubs of roots trying to grow!
I got to thinking that maybe what ails it, is in the old roots!
So I took it out of isolation, washed the roots, cut off the majority that were beige and brown and ugly, and cut off whatever leaves it had left, because they all had the streak of yellow.
I left just the pseudo bulbs with the little roots and some of the old roots at the very base to give it support in the much smaller pot. Then I hung the pot with the bare root plant from the awning rafter again, where it's been up to now.
I don't know if it needed the leaves to survive. They were going to drop when they turned completely yellow anyway!
So if it continues to put out roots I guess it will live? which is what I'm hoping.
Here's pics. and my camera is also giving me problems. I think it's time for a new one. Couldn't get a good pic of the little roots

But they are there.
What do you think guys? Does it have a chance?
Thanks in advance for any ideas and suggestions
Well, I can't seem to upload the photos it says something about a 'security token' is missing or something.. I'll try later on.