Actually, it's labeled Cycnodes Taiwan Gold x Cycnoches Warscewiczii.
It has this funny raised "pebble" pattern on the leaves. It started around July and is now on most of the leaves. The plant still seems healthy, it just finished flowering, but it felt as if the flowers didn't last as long as when I bought it last September (they lasted one month this year, is that normal?). It should also be mentioned that this year's p.bulb is about 3/4 the size of last year's, but I am willing to put that down to me getting used to it's culture (it's my first of this alliance). Anyway, I attached pictures, and I would love to move it back to my GH for its rest, but first I need you guys to tell me it what this is and if it can hurt my other babies... Thanks

Sorry for the blurriness, at least you can still see the spots...

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------