Well I've tried a couple months of watering with the Bayer systemic stuff, and I
still have mealybugs!
I've tried mixing the Safer's insecticidal soap into a spray bottle and that doesn't help.
Mostly I've been resorting to mechanical removal via toothpick/q-tip with alcohol. But I think I've got them all and stop and bam, more. My poor Phalaenopsis' new leaf from a few months ago looks all gnarly and deformed from them sucking as it has been developing.
Although I am now trying this
Safer Houseplant Insect Killer Aerosol.
So far I really like the fine mist that thoroughly covers all plant surfaces without feeling like I'm drowning the poor plant. I'll look in a day or so to see how well its working.
Who knew something so little could be so resilient and prone to making humans want to pull their hair out.
Too be honest this poor plant, I really don't want to kill it so I've been trying to take it easy on the chemicals. I'm normally not a "rush to X chemical" type of person, so I'm finding it hard to resort to using them in the first place.