Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis!
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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis!
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Old 10-21-2013, 06:11 PM
kovsky kovsky is offline
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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis! Male
Exclamation Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis!

Hi everyone,

I think I've steadily been over-watering my phalaenopsis which now that I've removed it from its pot, can see that it has no healthy roots (they all seem hollow and rotted)

It's heavily pregnant with what I think are 3 rootless keikis so I'd very much like to rescue it!

Here's a link to an album which has pictures of the orchid's leaves, roots and keikis.

I have no knowledge of re-potting or anything to do with it so you'll have to explain how to rescue it in the simplest terms possible pleas!

Any help would be HUGELY appreciated!


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Old 10-21-2013, 07:02 PM
mooburr mooburr is offline

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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis! Female

I'm sorry to hear about your plant. I'm also sorry to tell you that it may be difficult for the mother plant to recover. It's a bit to ask of her to support and develop 3 babies and grow herself new roots all at the same time, when she already looks tired and dehydrated.
However, if you'd like to give it a try, I would put the plant in a small pot and mist inside the pot daily. You can try to mist the undersides of her leaves some too. If you have seaweed I'd mist that on the root area to try to entice roots to grow, but no fertilizer.
I'm no expert but if it were my plant, this is what I'd be inclined to try. Others will chime in with tips that have worked for them in recovery situations. If she doesn't pull through but a keiki can grow a few 1" roots, you may get yourself a tiny daughter from the plant you loved. If they don't make it, don't beat yourself up. We have all lost a few if not more! I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure others will have ideas, too.
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Old 10-21-2013, 07:35 PM
kovsky kovsky is offline
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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis! Male

Hi mooburr,

Thanks so much for your advice.

What is seaweed? Is it the name of a brand or seaweed from the ocean?

What should I do about the keikis for now? Leave them there? They've been around for a while and haven't started growing roots so I'm not sure how to encourage them.

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Old 10-21-2013, 08:35 PM
mooburr mooburr is offline

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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis! Female

Seaweed extract is a supplement full of micronutrients and trace elements that help boost growth. There are many brands, but this link shows an example:
You could also try superthrive, which is a vitamin supplement for plants which also helps boost growth. This product is available at most big box stores. Here is the link to more information on superthrive:
I would just leave the keikis on and see what happens. As long as the spikes are green from the mother to them, she may still be able to provide some support for them.
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Old 10-21-2013, 09:34 PM
mooburr mooburr is offline

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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis! Female

I forgot there is also a product called K-L-N rooting hormone, but I've never used it just heard about it.
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Old 10-22-2013, 01:24 PM
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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis! Male

I agree with all the tips here. Anothere tip that has worked for me in the past is to get some sphagnum moss and tie a little wad of it on the base of the keikis with fishing line or very thin phone wire. Do not tie it on tightly. very loose. This creates a micro environment where the base of the keiki can be kept moist which will help promote root growth. Put mom in a clear jar with a little water in the bottom but not toughing the plasnt or it's roots. This will keep the base of the plant humid and warm. Mom may or may not get roots. What mom is trying to do is produce offspring. All of her stored energy is going up the spike and feeding the keikis. Phals hold energy reserves in their roots and leaves. Mist the little balls of sphagnum moss on the keikis as often as you can. Kelp or other rooting hormones will help.
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Old 10-22-2013, 01:37 PM
kovsky kovsky is offline
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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis! Male

Thanks again to both of you.

I have bought some sphagnum moss, rooting hormone gel, and a large plastic bag so will attempt a "sphagnbag." to promote root growth.

I will also try what you suggested re my keikis.

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Old 10-22-2013, 02:15 PM
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Please help me save my rootless, overwatered phalaenopsis with 3 keikis! Male

Make sure you put lots of holes in the bag to help circulate the air inside it. Place some sphag in the bottom to hold moisture and keep it humid.
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advice, keiki, keikis, roots, rot, phalaenopsis, overwatered, rootless, save

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