I want to treat my orchids outside prior to bringing them in and some bag babies that arrived with scale. I purchased these three products in Home Depot. I wasn't sure which one would be best or if I should keep more than one to use in a rotation.
The all say that they are safe for use on roses. I want to use it as a drench in the pots.
The first one is:
Spectracide Malathion
Insect Spray Concentrate
50% malathion (says it contains xylene range aromatic solvent)
The second one is:
Ortho Rose and Flower Insect and disease control
Acetamiprid .26%
Triticonazole .78%
The third one is:
Bayer Advanced 3-in-1
Insect, Disease, & Mite Control
Imidacloprid .47%
Tau-Fluvalinate .61%
Tebuconazole .65%
I would greatly appreciate advice and suggestions.