it doesn't stop

After repotting my baby cattleyas that had white, fluffy kind of mold growing on their sphag, now I see through the openings of the new little clay pots grey stuff growing on them. Looks a bit like a bread that starts to have fungus growing. I can't get physan here in Quebec. Nexogen recommended ZEP pool cleaner but HomeDepot has closed their pool section already for the winter, in other shops I couldn't find it so I bought a new huge bottle of H2O2. You think that helps? How often do I rinse them? Dip them? Do I flush with water afterwards?
2 computer vans will be installed today blowing on the ground between the pots for more ventilation.
The other 3 grown up orchids have little insects (about 1mm, dark - my camera can't get a photo of something that small) crawling in their bark

To me it looks like fleas from a dog but my dog is clean, I checked. The plants look ok, there is nothing on the leaves. If I pour a bit of H2O2 over the bark they start crawling out more but don't get killed. Anyone got an idea what they are? How to get rid of them with something available in Canada?
Any advice - again - very much appreciated! Already freaking out a bit here with so many problems. I can't stand to kill any of my orchids