Dembrodium black leaf drop, help
I am very new to the orchid board. I love all genus of orchids. I have a problem with my Dembrodium. leaf drop an turning yellow to black. the dropped leaves are full and very firm as they should be its 1.5 years old, transplanted and split 2 weeks ago as it was quite huge. I used sterile tech an rubber gloves. its my favorite I have a pic in my gallery of the leaves. and I am not tech savy so i'll try to post a pic with this thread. please help this one was an anniversary gift 42 years so it has special meaning for me...... help since, I cut the black parts away the bulb part was turning black also, roots are beautiful no odor so I transplanted it and sprinkled cinnamon and watered lightly..............please help trying to save her........
Last edited by pattieclemm; 09-25-2013 at 11:40 AM..