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Old 10-18-2013, 05:35 PM
orchidsarefun orchidsarefun is offline
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It's been six months and still don't know what this is Male

if you don't want to go through a "cleansing" regime, then I would just toss it. Sounds heartless, but may be the best thing.
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Old 10-27-2013, 12:10 AM
LadySoren LadySoren is offline
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It's been six months and still don't know what this is Female

any updates? I think I have the same thing on mine bc it came back after I switched from moss to bark and poured straight rubbing alc all in it.
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Old 10-27-2013, 12:27 AM
dounoharm dounoharm is offline
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an orchid that is weakened by fungus, bacteria, or any sort of disease will not grow as fast as a healthy plant.....hence, it will not use the same amount of water as a healthy plant....I think by watering it on the same schedule as your healthy plants you are probably overwatering that particular plant. I suggest every other time to water this wont hurt it to dry out a bit, and might encourage more healthy root growth. I think it is better to pot in bark will take some adjustment for you to figure out the watering schedule, but less water and a little less light will usually stimulate root growth....when I repot, I don't water for up to two weeks....that leaves the possibly injured roots a time to dry out and heal...good luck!
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Old 10-27-2013, 12:54 AM
IncurablePlantHead IncurablePlantHead is offline
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A group of common soil born fungi known as Trichoderma could be the green culprit. I use Neem Oil to combat various fungi problems on my plants. I have only recently begun using it on my orchids to no ill effect.
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Old 10-28-2013, 01:58 AM
Katsols Katsols is offline
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It's been six months and still don't know what this is Female

Hey guys i took it completely out of its medium and left it like that for a week, not watering it often, having the fan blowing gently and no fuzzy stuff growing on it at all. It only grows when it was in medium. only 3 roots left.
I've been doing research and heard of using a little bit of rooting hormone on orchids, people had success with it.
So what i did i sprinkled the base with the hormone and wrapped the roots with a just slightly damp paper towel and i covered with a plastic bag (i know you're only supposed to do that with no root orchids) but giving it a try anyway. I did this last week so i want to wait about a week or so and see what happened.
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