you don't have to trash such a beautiful plant! clean it up as best you might, and use a systemic on it every week for 3 weeks, then every 3 weeks forever on your entire collection to prevent any buggies from taking hold....I rotate the systemic with liquid sevin/soap mixture....I see you have a seed pod developing also, another reason not to trash that plant...good luck!
I get that scale, boisduval scale and mealybugs in my greenhouse every now and then. I use dormant/horticultural spray with great success on all three. The oil plugs their breathing pores and they suffocate. After a couple of days you can brush them off. After spraying, keep the plant out of the heat and sun for a day or two to prevent tissue damage.
It's the oxalic acid. I have tried a lot of different home remedy's, and rhubarb is the best. By adding a little cinnamon extract it not only smells nice, but it helps to kill any fungus that might grow because of the bugs. Rhubarb and dish soap is what I first heard about, and I added the rest.