dendrobium nobile upon closer inspection
* * * U P D A T E * * *
i have four new canes growing, they are all between 20-25 cm tall and recently i noticed that on the underside of most if not all of their leaves as well, are little globules of honeydew. is this a case of some pest moving from one underside to another until it finds "free space" to feed or is this happy dew? i sure would love to find out. please see the last picture.
perhaps it is just me but does it not take some time for the joy (and sometimes terror) of having begun the hobby of orchid growing, from surviving through a harrowing first repotting and discovering new roots and shoots and finally seeing one's orchid come alive in the summer with more foliage and root growth, to dissipate before one starts to pay keen attention? well, at least for me it has. in the past week since noticing the spots on my noid dendrobium phalaenanthe, i have been examining others and noticing all sorts of curiosities! so here are a few on a dendrobium nobile that to all appearances (without taking too close a look at it) is very happy indeed.
i appreciate any diagnoses, false alarm or no.
p.s. as for the last image with the circles, there appear globules of sap underneath the leaves as indicated. i have attempted to wipe them away each evening after bringing the plant in but everyday they come. are they happy sap or is there a microscopic critter eating it.
p.p.s. i almost forgot to mention that this plant spent spring mornings in direct sunlight and henceforth in summer under sheath (open to wind and breeze) cover all day in full sun as weather conditions prevail. average temperatures have been outside 25-30C, sometimes a little more with rather low humidity, about 40-45%. watering has been fairly consistent: every 2-3 days at about 1/3 strength fertiliser and once a month just rainwater.
Last edited by djuna; 07-28-2013 at 12:04 PM..