This is black spot and the leaves with it should be cut off all the way to the pbulb. Do not water this plant for at least a week afterward and isolate it from all your other plants. This should have been caught when it first started at least a week ago. You may lose this plant. I would also take this plant out of the pot and wash all the media off the roots, treat with an antifungal spray and then place it in a pot with no media. Leave it in this pot in a medium light for at least a week to see if it continues to spread to the other parts of the plant. If it can be arrested by cutting off all the affected parts and sprayed with an antifungal, then leave it in the pot with no media and start watering the roots but not the pbulbs or leaves. Just keep watering the roots daily and if by the end of july there are no more issues, repot it in a coarse media like straight bark for the remainder of the season. Watch your other plants too. This can kill an entire collection rather quickly if not caught in time. Over watering is one of the causes of this along with overhead watering regime .
I am going to change my diagnosis because I get these two mixed up. This is most likely pseudomonas infection (acidovorax) and not black spot. Black spot starts in the roots and progresses upwards while the pseudomonas infection starts on the leaf surface usually and progresses from there. But all the same try and arrest it by the methods I outlined. This is serious stuff at this stage and can decimate your entire collection. It is very contagious. Sorry for the mix up. See