Just received these two Phalaenopsis from Hausermann Orchids a couple of days ago and notice a thinning area on both plants. Both have two spikes and don't want to loose them. Any help is appreciated.
I bet someone stuck em in the window a little too long and the leaves got burned. IMO That's leaf burn not disease. Yet. You cant cure the leaf burn but I would avoid getting those leaves wet until it heals up some to avoid or delay as long as you can fungus and bacterial rot attacking it.
I would have said sun damage too except for the circular patterns which are showing on both. I would be very cautious and call the company and show them the pics. i would also have them tested professionally if they meant a lot to me.
I'm not sure it's sunburn… (it may be but…) Check for spidermites too with a cotton with some alcool 70° on it on both sides of leaves. If you have yellow/brown traces, you've got spidermites. :-/
I would not be alarmed. I would treat it like sunburn and move the plants to a shadier place.
Every year I am astonished anew how easy this can happen in summertime.
But the nursery should not deliver a plant with sunburn of the leaves or announce this and give a price reduction.