Thank you for your opinion. I suspected it would not be safe to use a bug bomb as it is an oil base. I guess I'll continue to use bug bait. As far as a miticide, I use Kelthane. Yes, I know it was pulled off the market several years ago but I bought 4 pints of it before it was pulled off. The only other miticide I've used is Malathion Plus. I can't imagine having numerous miticides as you do. That's just too much hassle for me even though I know insects can build a resistance to chemicals and I understand why you would go to such extent. I haven't had much of a problem with spider mites with my orchids except on Phals. I'm amazed that so many insecticides claim to control spider mites but they just don't do as well as Kelthane.
Now, I need your opinion about a fungicide. I have only used "Manzoneb" so far. I'm out and need to get more but looked at all the fungicides at my nursery but they are all geared towards foliar problems and not for soaking for root rot and most are an oil base and I'm afraid they're not safe for soaking orchid roots. Manzoneb is not an oil base but is there a fungicide that you prefer just for orchids? I would appreciate you comments about a fungicide when you have time to reply. Thank you.