I am no expert, so I may be wrong (have a couple Onc. but not much experience w/ them), but number one, if it was beside virused plants, & it looks sick, u might want to keep it separate and observe for awhile... Just in case.
Grain of salt: Could it be that u are using too much Physan (too often?), or mixing it too strongly? b/c the leaf tips look more 'burned', as opposed to what fungus or bacteria look like (but, maybe I'm wrong... This is just a guess)
If you were trying to fight off something bacterial (with the Physan 20), you might want to use *Phyton 27,* it's systemic (meaning its absorbed into the plant tissue), and will get to any bacteria that's gotten inside ur plant! *Just use rubber gloves when mixing up, to be on the safe side
Some of the board experts should be along shortly to give you some more seasoned advice, tho