Originally Posted by nynighthawk
Yes, this is a little odd. I took a little look online. From what I can see, Canadian Hope Depot website says it is selling the Bti mosquito dunks "online only". But, I saw some ads for other vendors almost shouting that they are being sold legally, and touting their safety and "organic" certification.
I didn't find any info about legal ban or debate over any problems with their use. The only thing I found was some info distinguishing between the dry cakes and a liquid product. From what I could tell, the problem was with the liquid products...something about a toxicity issue with the medium that the Bt was in...not the Bt, itself.
I'll take another look around the internet and see what I can find out.
If anyone else in the forum has info on this, please do let us know what's what.
Thanks so much.
Also interesting the price difference

$20 + shipping in Alberta
- Mosquito Dunks & Mosquito Pucks Now in Calgary Alberta Canada
$10 in HomeDepot, USA
12 in. Mosquito Dunks (6-Pack)-110-12 at The Home Depot