I bought this because I found mealy bugs on 2 of my phals. I am not sure what concentration to use especially since it has a 9-14-9 fertilizer in it. Has anyone used this and if so, how do you mix it and apply?
I would suggest giving that product to someone who has roses but I have never used it so maybe it is OK. I don't like it because it has a large amount of fertilzer that could burn orchid roots and a large amount of an anti-fungal and anti-fungals can be phytotoxic; also the label only gives dosage in "capfuls" so I have no idea what dosage they are talking about.
I spray Thiacloprid (Calypso) or Deltamethrin (Decis) of Bayer if needed. The normal concentration is 0,1%, it is 1 ml per liter.
If I use fertilizer, I take 100 - 300 mikroSiemens for orchids.
Granula are made for plants like roses. They are inappropriate for epiphytic orchids.
Please take a liquid insectizide. Use it outside and away from pets and children.