Possible Sunburn - You be the judge :)
This has been an on going problem since I purchased the plant in August. Me not knowing much about orchids did not think anything of it as the plant over all seemed healthy. Then I found this board after being a bit more curious about how to care for the plant.
After reading a bit I believe it is Sunburn as there is a half dozen or so black spots that do not seem to spread.
I will let you all be the judge as this is my only and first orchid.
Plant Care and Description: Zygo. Mackeyi
General Description of plant: Two prominent sudo-bulbs with leaf growth of 12" or larger. Two newly grown with leaf growth of about 5-6" (one has a spike which has formed seemingly right out of thin air, was a very rapid growth spurt.) And finally a new growth that I just noticed yesterday that is about 1.5" long.
Care: Watering about once a week depending on if it needs it. Just kind of playing it by feel. Norman's fertilizer is used every two weeks (but I am sure it is too much) messure is about 1/4 teaspoon with about 15oz of water after initial watering. I have done no flushing as that technique is new to me and will begin next water session.
Lighting: The plant currently sits on my windowsill facing the rising sun (my window faces NE) and receives light till mid day when the sun begins to creep over my house. (about 7ish till noon)
Color: medium/light green (with of course the dark splotches ).
Medium Planted In: Original Medium provided by orchids.com. I believe it is that Moss that starts with a "P" and some small to medium sized bark chips. As I have not re-potted the orchid I am not sure what else might be down there.
Thank You for all your help,
Last edited by joejack; 11-07-2007 at 01:31 PM..
Reason: forgot an item.