Name of Pesticide/Fungicide : In a glass jar, pour in a cup of water with the butts of about 20 -30 cigarette butts. Let it soak as a 'tea' for about 5-7 days in the sun. Strain off the liquid and add in an additional cup of water and 2 cups rubbing alcohol. Pour into a spray bottle. Spray plant liberally. (Best to do it outside as the odor isn't the most pleasant.) Apply for at least once a week how many times depends on the degree of infestation
(gands also has suggested the same recipe in another post)
or soak unflavored skoal or other dip (its not dried) in alcohol, just put the skoal in a cup, pack it a little, and cover it with 8-12 oz alcohol and let it sit a couple days, agitating each day. Dilute this solution 50/50 with water.
(from member - Appalachain)
or Using "used" cigarette butt filters - peel the paper off the filters and poke the filters in the potting mix. The nicotine absorbed by the cigarette's filter is an effective insecticide. This information was from the book, "Orchid Growing for Wimps." (from member - kiki-do)
Manufacturer: Home made remedy
Active ingredients : Pyretherin in the tobacco
Recommended application rate: Foliar spray or drench.
(See above with direct application in soil)
Target species or pathogen: Scale ( Outside of orchids, is said to work on carpenter bees and wasps.) It could work as a general insectcide. (I have used the first recipe successfully against scale)
Observations of use on Orchids: killed off scale and any residual hatchlings.
Is it systemic?
General Notes/Observations from users: I sprayed my Phal that had a very mild case of scale twice in one week intervals. I did pick off any scale I saw on the plant first. No sign of tiny hatchlings or adults since spraying.
Appendix - Cigar butts can be substituted for cigarette butts. (Just for you, Ross
